A quick update on the Pi Radio, since it has been a few weeks when it was last mentioned. It works, however, still waiting on the code to get it to function when power is applied, rather than having to SSH into the Pi and manually start the code. My co-teacher is helping with this, so once he is able to make it work, we should be able to package everything up and finalize everything. For now, here are some photos of the volume and tuning knobs wired to the Pi.
Wanted to showcase a few projects that are happening in the shop right now. The first is from one of our sophomores, Shubh P ’24, who took the design on on his LED Light Box to another level. Shubh has put a lot of attention to detail in his project from CAD to circuitry. He introduced several types of circuitry components to the design, which include potentiometers as dials, 7 segment display, and pushbutton switches. In addition, he utilized different sized wood in his CAD model to create patterns within the framework of the structure of the box. It really turned out well. Unfortunately, when taking photos of it today, there was a minor glitch in the coding, so he is going to fix the issue and I will post some more photos below.
In addition to the light box, Prince A ’23 is working on updating an older project from a previous student, a bluetooth speaker. The circuitry for the project is being modernized, as is the speaker box. Below you can see some test fitting of speakers in cardboard.
And lastly, Clark B ’23 and Daniel R ’22 are working on getting our traffic light fully functioning. Clark has been making circuit boards on our Bantam Tools mill and writing code to make the light work in unison with the school’s bell system. You can see his array of relays below in blue. Daniel has designed a connector to fit the traffic light on an old tv stand. We decided to print the connector out of a carbon fiber filament for strength, and after some trial and error, we are pretty happy with the final result. You can see it below in black.
A few times this week I’ve noticed in the morning that the lighting in my shop is behaving a bit strange. The system is a ‘smart’ lighting platform that recognizes movement within a room. It will automatically turn on the lights when movement is sensed, and then turn the lights out after a set time if no movement is sensed. Usually when I arrive at work the lights turn on automatically, and then after a while of working at my desk they turn off. I then get up and walk a few steps to get them back on again. This morning, I got up from my desk to get the lights back on and then started turning off and on again at random. It was very strange. It lasted for about 30 seconds and then everything was normal again. I’ve put a short video of it below.
In other news, our students have finally decided it was time to create some more permanent name tags for their lockers in the shop. After a few different iterations, they settled on making acrylic nametags. They spray paint the back of clear acrylic whatever color they want, then engrave their names in reverse on the acrylic. It creates a really nice finish. They are measuring and drilling holes into the lockers today, and will probably spend some time next week finishing the job. Each student is responsible for making their own locker tag. Below is an example.
Junior student Clark B has been working on circuitry to control an actual Stop Light that was donated to the shop a few years ago. Many students had thought about working on a project with the Stop Light, but nobody truly took on the project as Clark has done. So far he has written a program for an Arduino that will allow the light to turn on to reflect the daily class schedule. Green light for when we are in class time, yellow for 5 minutes before the bell, and red for time between classes. Along with his Arduino, he has a relay to control the AC voltage that turns on the light.
Additionally, we repurposed an old rolling television stand that was being dumped in the trash. The wheels were broken so we drilled new holes in the steel frame, tapped the holes for M10 bolts, and used some new casters we had in our storage room. To connect the light to the stand, another student, Senior Daniel R, 3D modeled and printed a connecting element that rests on the poles of the TV stand, and allows the Stop Light to slip onto the top of the connector. It’s coming together very well at the moment, and just a little more wiring and finalizing the coding should complete the project. Will post again when completed. For now, some photos below.
It’s been a few days since my last post, was a bit derailed from the February break here at school among other things. Over the weekend, a student had started a 3D print of a Y shaped connector for our dust collecting system for our 2 Bantam PCB Mills. It was printed upright with support for the legs that make the top part of the Y. I’m not always available when students begin a 3D print, and most have my permission to print without me needing to micromanage their files and how they get sent to the printer. One thing I do try to instill in my students, however, is understanding how a CAD object will be manufactured before they even begin working on the computer. That is, they should know whether or not they are going to 3D print, lasercut, or mill that part because that has ramifications as to how the part should be created in Fusion 360. Below you will see the print I saw when I arrived at school on Monday morning.
Now, there is nothing wrong with this print – it actually came out quite nice. Yet, our 3D printers have the capability to print angles up to 45 degrees without support. Which means this print could be printed without the support structures – which saves us not only filament but also time. I corrected the file in Simplify3D and reprinted it to demonstrate to students the advantages of understanding their method of manufacturing in order to model more appropriately.
There is nothing wrong with this student’s model, and it printed out fine without support. We try and teach students, especially with 3D printing, to try to design without the need for support in order to save time and material. Below is a quick video the the printer managing the overhangs in this print.