This week I have the freshmen. My co teacher and I switch each week who is teaching them. Since our classroom has lockers, we decided to have them make their own locker badges. We created a template file for Inkscape, and then I created a video to show them how to complete the file and send it to the laser cutter. The video includes how to vectorize a photo of themselves to place on the locker badge as well as adding text for their name. It’s a relatively quick little project, but gives them a sense of ownership within the shop. I’ll take some more photos of all the completed badges in the next few days. For now, here is a link to the project page.
It has taken quite a while to come together, but Senior Myles Y has nearly completed the large metal sign that will hang on the wall outside our shop. The CAD required was fairly complex, and was mostly done in Inkscape. He had to break our logo down into 4 equal parts, plus a center part to make everything fit on our waterjet, which was the machine used to cut each piece. There were a lot of hiccups, and the waterjet can be a temperamental machine at times, so there were a few stop and go moments on this project. Still, Myles persevered and we put up most of the pieces of the sign today and it looked great. There is a plan to add LED lighting on the back, but that will most likely fall on a different student next year as Myles is graduating. A few photos of the project below.

Crazy Lights
A few times this week I’ve noticed in the morning that the lighting in my shop is behaving a bit strange. The system is a ‘smart’ lighting platform that recognizes movement within a room. It will automatically turn on the lights when movement is sensed, and then turn the lights out after a set time if no movement is sensed. Usually when I arrive at work the lights turn on automatically, and then after a while of working at my desk they turn off. I then get up and walk a few steps to get them back on again. This morning, I got up from my desk to get the lights back on and then started turning off and on again at random. It was very strange. It lasted for about 30 seconds and then everything was normal again. I’ve put a short video of it below.
In other news, our students have finally decided it was time to create some more permanent name tags for their lockers in the shop. After a few different iterations, they settled on making acrylic nametags. They spray paint the back of clear acrylic whatever color they want, then engrave their names in reverse on the acrylic. It creates a really nice finish. They are measuring and drilling holes into the lockers today, and will probably spend some time next week finishing the job. Each student is responsible for making their own locker tag. Below is an example.