Since this is our February break, and yesterday was my birthday, I decided to treat myself and go flying with Carl from our club. Wanted to get some approaches in and get back in the air, since it was December 21st when I last flew. We had a solid day of flying planned – first we headed to Nantucket and flew an approach there, while on the ground we did a VOR check so we could do some VOR approaches into Hyannis and then Chatham. We had lunch at Chatham and then flew back to Marshfield to pick up another passenger and fly them to Hyannis to pick up the other club plane which was receiving maintenance. We then flew back to Marshfield, which allowed me to get 6 approaches done in one day! All in all it was a fun day, but I need some flying time where I don’t spend the duration of the flight under the hood. Some photos below.