Well, it was delivery day today!
I took delivery of my MY this morning in Peabody, MA. A slight issue arose this morning when driving there I noticed somebody sideswiped my trade-in and left some sort of rubber mark all down the passenger side of the car. Luckily, no denting and I was able to spend about 30 minutes getting the rubber (or whatever it was) off the car. Found part of a side mirror cover near my vehicle.
It was very cold today, so I took a rather quick look around the vehicle when I arrived, and then sat inside and played around with things. The car was unlocked before I accepted delivery, which was nice. It looked beautiful, and everything looked in order. The whole process took about an hour, which included me inspecting the car, them working on my trade-in (took them about 20 mins to get the front plates off of it for some reason), and then waiting for registration. One of the Tesla workers got in the car with me and answered all my questions, then put on my license plate and I drove away. Very easy, just wish the weather was a bit nicer.
Afterwards, Ash and I drove to Marblehead for a quick lunch and then headed back home. We continued to play around with the car features. I spent some more time sitting in the car and setting things up when we got home, but eventually had to stop and join a Zoom meeting. Setup the car to be ready to go at 5:45 am tomorrow, so we will see how that goes.