Today we drove out to Scituate for the South Shore Flying Club annual meeting. I’d never been to a meeting before, so felt it was a good time to get involved. They had reserved the back patio at the Mill Wharf Pub, which was a pleasant place right on the water. The meeting lasted about an hour, and mainly went over the financials of the club, which appeared to be strong. Afterwards, Ash and I drove to Ikea to pick up some more items for our basement. I spent the rest of the afternoon assembling those items before relaxing on the couch.
Today I was back in the air in N724CA with Aaron from our club. I battled a bit of traffic on my way down to Marshfield, but was able to get there just about 8:30. We got the plane ready and departed straight out towards KIJD (Windham) in Connecticut. There were some low clouds as we got closer to KIJD, so we dropped down to about 2500′, which actually worked out since we flew the RNAV 27 from the Putnam VOR even though I did not have a hood on. We landed without incident and taxied back and took off back for Marshfield. Again we had to stay a bit low for clouds, and were eventually diverted around North Central due to some jumpers. All in all it was a comfortable and stress free flight. Aaron did a great job with the radios, and was an awesome copilot.
Afterwards, Ash and I went into the city and walked around a bit. We ended up at Mr. Dooley’s for a pint of Guinness and then stopped the the High Street Place to see what it was all about. We had a drink and a snack at The Dive Bar, which was enjoyable if not a bit expensive. The overall feeling in there was ok, I’d go back.

I had a rather strange first world problem today. I’ve recently begun using Spotify more often because it is linked to me new Tesla. I added several BBC podcasts as well as This American Life to my Spotify account, but when I tried to listen to them through the Spotify app in my Tesla, all the episodes were greyed out. On my other devices, my desktop and phone, the episodes show up normally and play without issue.
So, I contacted Spotify to see what is happening. Not sure they totally understood the issue, but after a lot of explaining, this was the response.

Somehow the Spotify app in a Tesla does not have the rights to certain podcasts. Spotify suggested that I contact Tesla regarding the issue, but I told them the car works just fine, it’s Spotify that seems to be having the issues. For now, I can listen to those greyed out podcasts using the TuneIn app in the Tesla. A minor annoyance, but curious now about how licensure agreements work for Spotify.
Skeptics Guide to the Universe
This evening Ash headed into Somervile to the Crystal Ballroom at the Somerville Theater for the Skeptics Guide to the Universe Skeptical Extravaganza. I’ve been listening to the Skeptics since 2007 when I had my first job working in an architecture office. The long hours of drawing went by a little bit faster when listening to something, and the Skeptics was one of the first podcasts I began listening to while working.
We had VIP tickets which included a private discussion with the Skeptics prior to the show as well as a photo. It was a fun evening, and I’m glad I got to see them in person.

Road Trip Rain
Ash and I took a short road trip to Norwood this afternoon to help create some party gifts for an event Ash is hosting for work. We took the Tesla, obviously, and were able to give it a longer workout with regard to Autopilot. On our way home there was a pretty torrential downpour in addition to heavy Boston traffic. You will never want to be in traffic again without Autopilot. The Tesla handles the stop and go flawlessly, and makes sitting behind other cars almost fun. It really takes the annoyance of sitting in traffic away, and even with the heavy rain it had no issues staying in its lane or recognizing cars changing lanes directly in front of us. It was pretty impressive to watch.